

※なお、各論文の著作権は日本FP 学会・執筆者に帰属します。

NO.23 2024年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

第18回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

Customer Segmentation and Approach Methods for Bank's Personal Financial Services
      武笠 直子/ Naoko Mukasa  

NO.22 2023年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

第17回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Performance Analysis on ESG in the Japanese Stock Market in Recent Years

      門脇 俊輔/ Shunsuke Kadowaki  

      Long-Term Trends of Comovements in International Equity Markets
      五島 圭一/ Keiichi Goshima     

      Determinants of Participation in Individual-Type Defined Contribution
     Pension Plans among Young People

      廖 楚鈺/ Liao Chuyu
      塚原 一郎/ Ichiro Tsukahara
      村上 恵子/ Keiko Murakami

     ― 金融ジェロントロジーと環境ジェロントロジーの架け橋に向けて ―」

      Health Status of the Elderly and Housing Related Service Needs:
     An Empirical Analysis

      上山 仁恵/ Hitoe Ueyama
      梅田 利孝/ Toshitaka Umeda

NO.21 2022年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

NO.20 2021年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

NO.19 2020年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

第14回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

 ― 授業実施における工夫と今後の可能性と課題ー」
     Practice Report of Financial Education for Elementary School Students
     Ingenuity to Conduct Classes and Future Possibilities and Challenges

      西岡 奈美/ Nami NISHIOKA
      竹内 香織里 / Kaori TAKEUCHI   

      Treatment and Financial Planning forSocial Pain in Cancer Life
      川崎 由華/ Yuka KAWASAKI     

NO.18 2019年3月31日発行               詳細を見る

第13回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Effects of Types of Income Management on Households and an Application to Financial Planning
     伊藤希/ Nozomi Ito
     枇々木規雄/Norio Hibiki

     Extensions of Risk-Based Portfolio with Black-Litterman Model
     中川慧/ Kei Nakagawa

     An Empirical Analysis of Stocks of Low Profitable and Low Interest Procurement Companies
     in Japanese Markets Under a Long-Term Low Interest Rate Environment:
     Stock Analysis by Multiple Comparison in Parametric/Non-Parametric Tests and Event-Study Analysis on
     the Impact of Earnings Announcements Using Listed Companies Financial Data for FY2000–FY2016
     長谷川大地/ Daichi Hasrgawa

     An Experimental Analysis of Altruistic Decision Making Under Risk
     和田良子/ Ryoko WadaI
     北村智紀/Tomiki Kitamura

特集 第12回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

    「人々の心理が株価を動かす― センチメント分析のパーソナルファイナンスへの応用」
     Does Market Sentiment Move Stock Prices? Applying Sentiment Analysis to Personal Finance
     石島博 / Hiroshi ISHIJIMA
     數見拓朗 / Takuro KAZUMI

     Financial Literacy Among the Young: The Method of Bridging Financial Education and Career Development
     渡邉万里子 / Mariko WATANABE

     「親子二世帯同居における親子間の経済交換― FPの適切な関与のタイミングについて」
     Economic Exchange between Parents and Children Living in a Parent-Child Semidetached House
     ─The Proper Timing of FP’s Involvement
     鴻巣信子 / Nobuko KONOSU

             ― 2016年・金融リテラシーと金融トラブルに関する調査をもとに―」
     Effects of Financial Education Experience at School on Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior:
     Based on the 2016 Survey on Financial Literacy and Financial Troubles
     家森信善/ Nobuyoshi YAMORI
     上山仁恵/ Hitoe UEYAMA

     Cohort Analysis of Household Financial Portfolio Selection in the U.S. by
     Using the Bayesian Cohort Model with Age-by-Period Interaction Effects
     山下貴子/ Takako YAMASHITA
     中村隆/ Takashi NAKAMURA

特集 第11回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Optimal Asset Allocation in Defined Contribution Plan on Top of Wage Indexed Public Pension Benefit
     臼杵政治/Masaharu USUKI

     A Study about How to Estimate Future-Cash Flow in Real Estate Evaluation with Micro-Analysis of
      Move-In and Move-Out Deta
     小林秀二/Hideji KOBAYASHI


     Introducing Practice Cases for Financial Education at Special Support Schools:
      ―Teaching and Training Materials to Provide Reasonable Accommodation


    Effective Factors of Financial Literacy and Implications for Financial Education:Frorm Questionnaire on
     University Students
        北野友士/Yuji KITANO

    Does Participation in NISA Increase Stock Investment?
        北村智紀/Tomoki KITAMURA
        中嶋邦夫/Kunio NAKASHIMA


特集 第10回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     How Does the Financial Literacy Affect Borrowers'Actions to Compare Mortgages
      Among Financial Institutions?


              ― 直販系投信・クラウドファンディングの事例を中心とした考察」
     "Sympathy Money"to Change Finance in Japan
         A Study of Cases about Independent Investment Trusts and Crowdfunding

     Financial Education in Schools
        松浦義昭/Yoshiaki MATSUURA


特集 第9回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

    「巨大災害リスクとCAT ボンドリターンの時系列分析
                -保険市場と資本市場におけるCAT ボンドの可能性」
     Time Series Analysis of the Catastrophic Risk and the CAT Bond Returns;
      The potentials of CAT Bond in the Reinsurance Market and the Capital Market
        冨田有哉/Tomoya TOMITA

     For financial assets selection of Japanese households
        荒木千秋/Chiaki ARAKI

     Current Statu and Educational Significance of Personal Finance Education in U.S.Colleges
        橋長真紀子/Makiko HASHINAGA
        柿野成美/Shigemi KAKINO
        伊藤宏一/koichi ITO

特集 第8回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     "The foundation of a new Individual Retirement Account system for the personal asset formation"
        菅谷和宏/Kazuhiro SUGAYA

     Before the Koizumi Reforms:The Japanese Postal Savings Systems in the early 1990s
        伊藤真利子/Mariko ITO



     Portfolio Choice of Household in Their Thirties and Forties:An Empirical Analysis on the Survey
     of Life Planning
        土村宣明/Yoshiaki TSUCHIMURA
        吉田靖/Yasushi YOSHIDA

追悼文 日本FP学会顧問 加藤寛先生を悼む
特集 第7回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     What Affect the Attitudes of the Retired to their Savings and Investments?
     :Based on an Analysis of the Investment Experiences and their Life Design
        松村容子/Yoko MURAMATSU

     Effectiveness of Dollar Cost Averaging ~from the Risk Point of view~
        工藤清美/Kiyomi KUDO




     The Perspective of Financial Capability
       -from Financial Knowledge to Financial Behavior as Consumer Citizenship-
        伊藤宏一/Koichi ITO 

特集 第6回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Upbringing of the Student Who Can Acquire Citizenship and Live Vigorously in Society
       衞藤準/Jun ETO

     Multi-period Optimization Model for Household Financial Planning and Development of the FP Tool
       枇々木規雄/Norio HIBIKI

特集 第5回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     House Price Fluctuations due to its Individuality and Market Imperfections:
      Implications for Personal Finance
     石島博/Hiroshi ISHIJIMA

     Proposals for Achieving the Formation of Asset Retirement from the Perspective of Retirement Plans
     山崎俊輔/syunsuke YAMASAKI

     Financial Service Marketing,Household portfolio Selection,Lehman Shock
     山下貴子/Takako YAMASHITA 


     A Robust Optimization Approach to Asset Management under Uncertainty
     山本零/Rei YAMAMOTO
     石橋拓弥/Takuya ISHIBASHI

    Idiosyncratic Volatility and the Cross Section of Expected Return in Japanese Stok Market
     Assessing the Factor models Using Hansen-Jagannathan Distance
    菅原周一/Shuichi SUGAWARA
    片岡淳/Jun KATAOKA

    Retirement Plannning Model Using Life-Table Based on Subjective Health
    枇々木規雄/Norio HIBIKI
    西岡史恵/Fumie NISHIOKA



特集 第4回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

    Factors Affecting Stock,Life Insurance and Housing Investing Behavior of30to50
    北村智紀/Tomoki Kitamura
    中嶋邦夫/Kunio Nakashima

    Personal Investment during the Age of Turbulence
    家森信善/Nobuyoshi Yamori

    The Financial Planning for Families of Intellectual Disabilities
    鹿野佐代子/Sayoko Shikano 


    The Construction and Analysis of Lithograph Price Indices    
    島田式子/Noriko SHIMADA    
    駒井正晶/Masaaki KOMAI    
    小暮厚之/Atsuyuki KOGURE


    Constructing and Defending Core Portfolios in Chaotic Markets     
    Paul D.Tomasula Jr.

特集 第3回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Research on Relative Risk Aversion for Relevance Judgment
     伊藤伸二/Shinji ITO

     An Asset Management Optimization Model for Individual Investors
     山本零/Rei YAMAMOTO


     Multi-Period Optimization Model for Household Financial Planning
     枇々木規雄/Norio HIBIKI

特集 第2回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     A Study of Marketing Communication Strategy in Choice Process of Financial Products
      山下貴子/Takako YAMASHITA 
      山下忠康/Tadayasu YAMASHITA

     System of Information Disclosure for Asset-Backed Securities and Its Future Directions
      桑木小恵子/Saeko Kuwaki

     Study of Finding an Optimal Prepayment Strategy Based on a Mortgager's Standpoint
     川口宗紀/Muneki KAWAGUCHI
     中川秀敏/HIdetosi NAKAGAWA

     An Analysis of Household's Asset Choise Behavior by Panel Data
     塚原一郎/Ichiro TSUKAHARA

 特集 第1回 日本FP学会賞 選考結果の報告

     Analysis of Monthly Anomalies in Stock Trading by Foreign,
                            Institutional and Individual investors
     亀坂安紀子/Akiko KAMESAKA

     Multi-Period ALM Optimization Model for a Household
     枇々木規雄/Norio HIBIKI
     小守林克哉/Katsuaya KOMORIBAYASI
     豊田暢子/Nobuko TOYODA

    大学におけるパーソナル・ファイナンス教育の現状と課題 全国大学シラバス調査を通して」
     The Present Conditions and Some Problems of Personal Finance Education in Universities
      Through the Investigation of syllabuses of Japanese Universities
     古徳佳枝/Yoshie KOTOKU


     Investment on University Education and Challenges from Investors' Point of View
     樋渡淳二/Junji HIWATASHI


     Enhancing Operational Risk Management of Regional Financial Institutions
     樋渡淳二/Junji HIWATASHI
     Risk and Risk Aversion
     水野博志/Hiroshi MIZUNO

     Homewnership and Household's Investment in Risky Assets
     駒井正晶/Masaaki KOMAI
     阿部由里/Yuri ABE

       Basel Ⅱ and enhancing risk management of banks

       Time diversification and Investmento in the long run
        菅原周一/Syuichi SUGAWARA


         The Determinants of variations of Total Return on Office Building
         吉野直行/Naoyuki YOSHINO
         富井正浩/Masahiro TOMII
         The Change in the Prices for Newly-Built Condominiums and Households' Choices
         吉田靖/Yasushi YOSHIDA
         駒井正晶/Masaaki KONAMIi


         The Present Situation and the Future Development on Weather Derivatives
         赤堀勝彦/Katuhiko AKABORI


          Bunkruptcy of Japanese Credit Unions and Regional Characteristics
          吉野直行/Naoyuki YOSHINO
          島袋伊津子/Itsuko SHIMABUKURO        



          Optimization of a Small to Medium Scale Portfolio
          今野浩/Hiroshi KONNO
          白川浩/Hiroshi SHIRAKAWA

          The Attitude toward the risk of everyday life and the education of The life planning
          戸田昭直/Akinao TODA
